Say Goodbye to Laugh Lines with Dermal Fillers
September 19, 2024

Laugh lines or smile lines are a sign of a life well-lived, but that doesn’t mean you have to be happy about them. If your face has the deep furrows known as nasolabial folds, you may have tried a variety of lotions and potions to try and get rid of them, and to no avail. If you’re searching for a solution that really works, dermal fillers can help. Here’s how!
(more…)Recovery After Dental Bone Grafting: What to Expect
September 12, 2024

Have you been told that you need to have bone grafting performed before you can get dental implants? This procedure is often key for ensuring that your new smile is successful. As with any type of dental treatment, it’s important to know what will happen during the recovery process so that you can prepare appropriately. If you read on, you can learn more about what you can expect after bone grafting and some important steps to take to make sure everything goes as planned.