5 Reasons to Get Botox Besides Eliminating Wrinkles!
December 29, 2021

Botox – the go-to treatment if you’re looking for a more youthful appearance. This amazing option has given the more experienced population a way to erase wrinkles while looking and feeling more confident. However, did you know that it can be used for many other reasons? Keep reading to find out the surprising ways that Botox can help you look and feel better.
(more…)Veneer Fell Off? Here’s What to Do Next!
December 27, 2021

Veneers are an amazing piece of dental technology that give millions of people the ability to smile with beauty and confidence. They are incredibly durable and designed to last for years. However, there is still a possibility that they can fall off. If this occurs, there is no need to panic! Your dentist has included some information on veneers, why yours may have fallen off, and what you should do next.